Detroit Soup
Non-Profit AppMobile App
Detroit SOUP is a fully-coded web app that focuses increasing a connection with a local non-profit.
The non-profit in question is Detroit SOUP, a Detroit-based micro-funding collective that raises money for local change through soup dinners. Each month, 4 proposals are selected to present and potentially receive funding from fellow SOUP attendees. The resulting app streamlines the process by allowing the user can both submit and review their proposals in the same space.
This project emphasized the importance of end-user research and creating accessible digital spaces for users. Multiple personas were crafted and then polished through a short interview process. The final persona of Clemantine represents a young entrepreneur looking to submit a proposal in a quick and easy way, and the final design reflects as such.
The interface itself prioritizes simplicity and accessibility, as not all who submit proposals may be tech-savvy. Clean sans-serifs are utilized for a reading experience that is easy on the eyes. Lastly, minimalist illustrated graphics display their namesake “soup” without being visually overwhelming. After researching and designing, the final app was coded with HTML and CSS to be fully functional.
The Process
Simple Protoype
Complete Prototype